my Samsung notes app messed up all the stanzas.
My head's been wet for miles
So's the gravel, so's the clay
I think my pack's got heavier
So've my boots, so's the rain
Day breaks loud around me
Birds, cicadas, crickets chirp
But I can't see the sunrise
With my eyes cast in the dirt
The taste of ozone in the air
Settles on my teeth
I pray for a lightning bolt to come
And take me from my feet
And then the fireflies came out
To dance between the leaves
They followed me behind the bushes
Playing hide and seek
I sat beneath the shade to rest
In a copse of twisted oaks
I fell asleep between their roots
It was dark when I awoke
It rained all night and morning
Then out came the sun
So hot by noon I pulled aside
And low crawled through the mud
The sun is up behind the clouds
It's warmth can't seem to reach me
The world is cold around me
The earth is cold beneath me
By the time the owls call my name
My foots too numb to feel
The branch that breaks my blister
The stone that cuts my heel
An autumn breeze blows past me
Trees bend over to whisper secrets
I'm walking down a country road
But the story's out of sequence