Is “what if I’m vaguely evil” a common OCD thought?

I’ve noticed that common OCD thoughts are often about specific things. I won’t list specific thoughts because it might trigger someone and it also might teach the algorithm to show me content related to that and that might trigger me, but my most common intrusive thoughts seem to be vaguer than others’.

I often worry that I’m just evil in a very vague, abstract sense. I know that I do good things, but it’s easy to turn that into evidence that I’m actually secretly evil and I’m only pretending to be good in order to hide my evil nature. But there’s no specific way in which I’m evil attached to that, it’s just “what if I’m vaguely evil?”.

I think there are two ways that manifests for me:-

  • 1: worrying I’ll “snap” and start actually acting evil. My rational side doesn’t think this is likely, but my irrational side can see that if I am secretly evil and just fooling everyone including myself into thinking that I’m good then one day that might stop and I start actually being evil in practice rather than just being theoretically evil but never acting on it

  • 2: also in and of itself, just worrying what if I’m theoretically evil and just never act on it. (I’m not even sure what it would mean to be theoretically evil but to never behave evilly, but my brain worries about it anyway!)

I’m not looking for reassurance, I’m just curious as to if this is a thing other people have gone through. If so, I’d be open to suggestions for coping mechanisms etc.

TLDR: is “What if I’m vaguely evil” a common OCD thought?