What do you hate most about OCD?

For me, it's the grief it causes - grief over otherwise perfectly neutral/good experiences that I essentially miss out on such as time with family and friends, which I want nothing more than to just be present for and not be in my head near-constantly having doubts about my identity and doing compulsions during.

It's not just the torment of OCD in the moment, but also what it robs us of - the time and energy we would otherwise like to expend in other more egosyntonic ways, and being able to imagine life without it and knowing how much better life could be... I feel like I'm looking through a glass cage that is invisible to most others and watching on a screen beyond the glass a parallel universe version of your life that I'd be experiencing if it weren't for the saboteur that is OCD.

Anyways, what about you? What do you hate most about OCD?