Can worrying about mental health be an OCD theme?

Every time I have a bad spell mental health wise, all I can think is "what if I'm fighting this forever" or "is this the day it all comes crashing down". I'm in that state right now. I can't think what the compulsions are that I'm performing right now in relation to this. But in the past I have found that when doing mindfulness, everytime I had a negative thought, I would do some sort of mindfulness technique in response to it.

A few weeks ago I learned a mindfulness thing called the 3 minute breathing space which can be used whenever you find yourself spiralling. But I was doing it everytime I felt negative thoughts coming on as if to try and neutralise them and it was disrupting as hell, so I stopped for a while.

I also found when I first started struggling with mental illness, I would be hyper aware of emotions. So when I was anxious, even if the situation called for anxiety, I saw it as part of mental illness and try to make myself not feel it. (Thankfully, I don't think like that anymore) but I still feel like this is an unresolved issue. It never occurred to me that this may just be another OCD pattern.