Fenway tickets on Baseball MLB app

I bought 6 tickets for the 7/19 show with loose commitments from friends. Now a few have bailed and I have their tickets that I was thinking I could sell or transfer to others but I am not seeing an option to do either on the app. I don’t want to be stuck with them and not be able to transfer or sell them… I’m still going i just don’t want to be on the hook for the tickets they were going to use. Also the 2 other people I’m going with I may not be able to arrive with them so just for logistics sake I need to be able to transfer to them so they can get in without me…

Anyone know if MLB will allow these to be transferred at all?? This is a logistics issue at this point lol.

EDITED: I found people to come with and we will meet beforehand so that eliminates the issues with transferring. I know several people have reached out about purchasing and just wanted to let everyone know they are not available. Thanks for all the interest, though!