Do friends look down on you for being chronically single?

Am I less of a complete person because of never being in a relationship? I have been working on myself and my insecurities because of this for a long time. But the thought of my friends looking down on me as having less experiences, knowing less, being stupid/unaware, BEING LESS, scares me. I have been in a relationship that lasted 3 months 3 years ago. It was the only one and it hurt when it ended, and I have talked about it to my friend, Hannah (say). Recently, a mutual friend, James (say) broke up and and has been really down. A group of my friends were talking about him, and I entered the conversation asking what they were talking about, and Hannah yelled at me saying “You don’t know what it’s like!” The others in the conversation ran to hug me as if Hannah had shot me, and tried to console me like I was a child, while I was just confused. Is this how they see me?

Update: I texted her letting her know that I was hurt by what she said that day, but wasn’t mad. I just wanted to let her know so that it didn’t linger in my head. Felt scary to send something so serious. But I now have no regrets. She responded with the most thoughtful apology, saying that she hopes I’m able to keep addressing stuff like this in the future, and that she would never want to hurt me intentionally, and that she knows I’m thoughtful and have lived my own life. Guys she’s a good friend, and I’m glad I brought it up. Thanks to those who told me to.