Is anyone else mildly repelled by sweet foods?

I’m not interested in candy, chocolate, cookies, cake etc. At all. I’m almost grossed out by them.

Not because I’m healthy - I’d gladly eat a block of cheese or an entire pack of (cooked) bacon over a birthday cake any day.

Every time I’m offered something sweet, like a cookie or brownie or piece of cake - even when I’m actually hungry - my body just sends me a big old NO signal. Like I’m not hungry for sweet things AT ALL. I’m not interested and it almost kind of grosses me out. I can be absolutely starving and if you hand me a piece of chocolate cake or ice cream I’ll be very uncomfortable. But why?

Is this weird? I still occasionally enjoy sweet things when I’m in the mood (maybe once every month or two I’ll enjoy a donut or something) and I love sweet & savoury flavours like BBQ sauce etc any time. But I just cannot do regular sweet things like candy or chocolate bars - I get so stressed when my coworkers try to buy me a birthday cake on my bday because I can’t stand cake and I always have to pretend to take a bite and say yum (I’ve told them multiple times that I don’t like cake but they’re trying to be nice and make me happy so it’s still cute)

I just can’t figure out why. It’s been like this for maybe 5 years and I’m 32 now. Anyone else?