5 months porn free - My journey
I’ve gone 5 months without porn and let me just say what a difference it has made in my life.
I went from fapping pretty much daily for 10yrs+ to progressively more fucked up porn until I joined you guys. I realized Porn gave me PIED. I would get sexual anxiety from losing erections in the past when I was unsure what my problem was[PIED] which made my problem compound. After 28 days of NoFap I got laid when my buddy introduced me to one of his lady friends at the bar and that night I had the best sex I’ve had in years. The release after 28 days was SUREAL. No problems with PIED and on top of that I had a few drinks which usually in my case makes it worse. Ever since that night I knew I never wanted to fall down the porn rabbit hole again.
Speed things up to today and I’m doing better than ever sexually. I’ve had a few partners since that night at the bar, two one night stands, a short relationship and currently a casual relationship. I no longer have problems or nervousness when it comes to sex. I fap on occasion maybe once or twice a week but it’s under control and the images I see are left completely up to my imagination, the way I think it should be naturally.
I still get temptations to watch porn but they’re much easier to put off now. I hope one day many of you can overcome your addictions. Set goals for yourselves and remind yourself what you’re doing this for!