Recommendation for MVNO for former Verizon customer in SoCal


I live in Orange County, CA and was looking to get off our bulky two lines of Verizon service the current bill is $180 a month for the two lines. Both are unlimited plans with 5g data, and some entertainment add-ons

We own both our iPhones (14Pro and 15Pro) and they are paid off. I probably want unlimited data while the other line could use around 15gb of data month. However, if it doesn’t cost much more to go unlimited with the other device, I don’t mind paying a little more.

Doing some research it looks Visible and Total might be good options for us as they are on Verizon’s network.

The current BYOP promotion by Total seemed like a pretty good deal as it would be $25 off per month if you bring your own device. For the 5g unlimited plan it looks like it would be $25 a month with the promotion and auto-pay. However it looks like the promotion is only for a single line and only one promo per account. I was looking at avoiding this by maybe doing two separate accounts for each line. I was told by Total customer service there may be a way to combine both accounts once established.

Any thoughts or recommendations between Visible or Total? Is the total Bring your own phone promotion the best deal out there? Or is there another carrier with a promotion that I should be considering?

Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Edit: Also, do you guys recommend this app for checking coverage in my area? Coverage Map