The way humanity is written is probably the worst thing in the game.
There is no nuance when it comes to humanity. They are consistently portrayed as illogically stupid and just plain unsympathetic and unwilling to cooperate. While this may be true in our world that there are many many evil people, we still band together when things are rough. This is shown in Laplace’s bond story, and is quite possibly one of the ONLY times humanity is shown to more than unthinking monsters.
Let’s start off with the people itself. Absolutely fucking stupid. You’re telling me that you believe the FOOT TROOPS of the army are to blame for the loss. No matter how much “propaganda” the Ark spews out, anyone who passed middle school would know that they have zero say in anything having to do with military planning. You don’t see us blaming our soldiers for Vietnam. These are your daughters your sending to war and your telling me war and just because the government said “hey they are the reason we losses the war lol” your gonna believe them? It’s even worse in this event too. When little Rapi goes outside she is hit by a bullet at a protest. So you’re telling me that CG soldiers are firing on a PUBLIC PROTEST and the people still believe the Nikkes are still the problem? Get real.
Next is the Ark. why are there PRIVATE companies when the world is ending? Why didn’t the CG in all their tyrannical might, stomp down on these companies when they came into the Ark? If the companies had too much influence that shouldn’t matter, because you can just send out propaganda and the knuckle dragging idiots of the populace will believe you automatically. Problem solved. Why do you keep sending out Nikkes into the meat grinder when you have a dwindling population of woman and even less men on top of that? Why stomp down on Nikkes when that fosters hate against what they fight for? Sure, you could say the NIMPH will stop them from doing anything. But as shown in scarlets event, you literally can just hate someone enough and put a blindfold on your head to kill a human. Or in Crow’s case, bounce a bullet of something. Why not just destroy the support pillars on a CG building? You didn’t kill them the building did.
This is my main frustration with the story and why I can never consider it more than “average”. Humans are just used as a linchpin to start a “depressing story” background for a nikke 90% of the time.
There is no nuance when it comes to humanity. They are consistently portrayed as illogically stupid and just plain unsympathetic and unwilling to cooperate. While this may be true in our world that there are many many evil people, we still band together when things are rough. This is shown in Laplace’s bond story, and is quite possibly one of the ONLY times humanity is shown to more than unthinking monsters.
Let’s start off with the people itself. Absolutely fucking stupid. You’re telling me that you believe the FOOT TROOPS of the army are to blame for the loss. No matter how much “propaganda” the Ark spews out, anyone who passed middle school would know that they have zero say in anything having to do with military planning. You don’t see us blaming our soldiers for Vietnam. These are your daughters your sending to war and your telling me war and just because the government said “hey they are the reason we losses the war lol” your gonna believe them? It’s even worse in this event too. When little Rapi goes outside she is hit by a bullet at a protest. So you’re telling me that CG soldiers are firing on a PUBLIC PROTEST and the people still believe the Nikkes are still the problem? Get real.
Next is the Ark. why are there PRIVATE companies when the world is ending? Why didn’t the CG in all their tyrannical might, stomp down on these companies when they came into the Ark? If the companies had too much influence that shouldn’t matter, because you can just send out propaganda and the knuckle dragging idiots of the populace will believe you automatically. Problem solved. Why do you keep sending out Nikkes into the meat grinder when you have a dwindling population of woman and even less men on top of that? Why stomp down on Nikkes when that fosters hate against what they fight for? Sure, you could say the NIMPH will stop them from doing anything. But as shown in scarlets event, you literally can just hate someone enough and put a blindfold on your head to kill a human. Or in Crow’s case, bounce a bullet of something. Why not just destroy the support pillars on a CG building? You didn’t kill them the building did.
This is my main frustration with the story and why I can never consider it more than “average”. Humans are just used as a linchpin to start a “depressing story” background for a nikke 90% of the time.