Some Night shift life tips
I've been on the night shift for 4 months now. Here are some simple tips to help you be more comfortable at work and at home.
Go right to sleep when you get home after work. If you have things you have to take care of of course do what you gotta do, but once you are free go right to sleep. Waiting till mid-day to sleep is not easy and in my experience leads to drowsiness.
Do not drink or smoke weed. I am a habitual weed smoker but when i took this night shift job and did not smoke, until 3 weeks ago I started. This is huge contributor to my drowsiness but more importantly that heavy feeling whenever I wake up. It feels unfair at times cause any other shift I could smoke weed no problem but it's just not worth it on this shift.
Step outside and get some fresh air. One of the best advantages is how quiet, empty and peaceful it is at night. Stepping outside is a big help in keeping you awake and energized.
Headphones are your best friend
Use downtime to get responsibilities take care of (Bills, student loans, Homework, etc) This will save you time when you are off work and will build a healthy productive routine at work to keep you busy.
Any other tips please share, one of the biggest tips we can do is build a community and share with one another.