My question about suffering

There are two types of life deniers: those who deny pain called hedonists and those who deny pleasure called ascetics. And ascetics are actually the hedonists of the other world. To affirm life is to deny no part of it, embrace it.

My question is I can't Apply this to real life. I can enjoy pleasure. I seek pleasure, I welcome it. I can experience pleasure for its own sake. However, I can't have the same attitude towards suffering. I can only "bear" suffering with a goal in mind which is almost always pleasurable. For example, I work out, lift all those heavy weights to have a more attractive body, healthier body etc. I don't do it because I like lifting weights. I don't do it for its own sake, I can only take it as a means to an end. Or even if the suffering isn't caused by my own will, like when I get sick, I want to suffer no more than I have to. I want get away from that state of being.

That's the only way I can conceive suffering to be acceptable, which is a some sort of hedonism where pain is not fully denied, but still is in a hierarchical relationship with pleasure. I can literally think of no other way. It's like trying to imagine a new color. Because if we were to imagine a man that enjoys pain like he enjoys pleasure, wouldn't he be a masochist and cut his arms constantly?

I feel like I am missing some important part in his theory, but I don't know what. Hope you can help.