Should I be worried? (Youtube shorts)

So basically, I decided a while ago that I wanted to take up this YouTube thing. I consistently make and edit videos for some of my uni classes and felt I could find enjoyment in just posting some fun/informative videos. So, with that being said, I just made my channel about two weeks ago and finally uploaded two shorts over the last 2 days. I properly edited them, used hashtags and tried to optimize my title based on Google trends and other creators. Both of my shorts are about 10 seconds long. I spent a lot of time researching the hottest trend and then formed that trend into my niche... The issue you may ask? They both got literally 0 views. Every time I look it up, everyone says they got x thousand amount of views on their first short but none on their next. So, I am a bit worried since I struggled to find information about this exact scenario.

I tried to verify my ID for the extra features but it wasnt approved for some reason. I literally have no idea why either. Now I am too scared to try it a second time since it is my last attempt and I genuinely don't know what was wrong with my first. It was a valid ID, and I did everything to the exact instructions and verified everything they needed me to. So I am wondering if I am shadow banned? Or think I am a bot account?