Too many night feeds??

LO is 4.5mo old, has been going through the 4mo sleep regression for about a month now 😩. She is up every 30-60 mins most nights, it’s torture.

Pre-sleep regression she used to sleep a 6-8 hour stretch, have one bottle, sleep for 2 more hours and be up for the day.

Now she will typically have 3 (!) bottles overnight - she’s awake SO often now that I’m finding myself giving her a bottle at night every 3 hours or so (often out of sleep deprivation, in the hopes that it will be the trick to get her to sleep a longer stretch - never does). She wakes up multiple times between bottles for diaper changes and pacifier replacement and is always eager for the bottle when I give it to her, and sometimes won’t settle until I do. For reference, we feed her every 2-3 hours during the day as well.

Since the start of the regression we’ve had a harder time getting her to drink her full 4-5oz bottles throughout the day because she’s distracted. She will snack on 2oz bottles often throughout the day and have 5oz right before bed. How do I fix this ?! By giving her bottles at night, am I enabling her crappy night sleep?