Why are people so obsessed with separating babies from their parents?

I really need to vent.

We have a babygirl, now almost 2 months old so we're still pretty new to the whole parenting thing but we've got some parts down already. One of the things we haven't figured out yet is naptimes.

Our baby sleeps great in her crib during the night but somehow has a lot of trouble during the day. She'll fight her sleep until she gets overtired and super fussy. Usually she ends up falling asleep while I nurse her and especially if she's been awake for way too long already, I just let her sleep. On occasion we put her in her crib for her to nap there, but she either instantly wakes when she's put down in her bed or she'll sleep for 35mins max. After waking up again, she always needs soothing again because she's still tired.

It is what it is, babies are going to baby and she just wants to be close to me and contact nap. I love the cuddles (it does suck that I'm couch-bound all day) and want her to be comfortable and well-rested so we just deal with in.

When we have visitors, especially her grandparents, we always get the infamous "how is she sleeping?" question, to which we proudly proclaim she sleeps great at night but that I can't let go of her during the day and that that's a little rough. For some reason I keep telling people the truth that we contact nap after/while nursing most of the time. Of course everyone loses their minds after hearing that. "Why don't you just put her in her bed?" "Doesn't she take a pacifier?" "Just let her settle herself!" "She's going to have to learn to sleep alone!" Etc.

Just typing it already makes my blood boil. I've heard it too many damn times by now. Why is this such an issue for everyone? Comments like this makes me feel like I'm a bad parent for indulging her needs, or that I'm being too attached. Like I'm "spoiling" her. How DARE I hold my baby all day and not let her cry? Because a 2 month old can absolutely settle themselves already, right?? It's like I just need to dump her in her bed and mind my own business. I can't do that, that doesn't feel right.

And don't even get me started on those who keep pushing for you to hand your baby over. Or my favourite: "I'll go for a walk with her while you do household chores!" Like hell you will, leaving with my fully-dependant-on-me baby so I can clean? Get the fuck outta here. You want to help? Great! Fold the laundry, do some dishes - knock yourself out! You want to hold the baby? Stop pushing and making me feel uncomfortable, she is not a toy to be played with.