Ultrasound found ovarian cyst in infant while checking on kidney fullness. Asking about previous outcomes.

TL,DR: Baby is four months old. We got an ultrasound done because we’re keeping an eye on a minor kidney issue (left kidney is full/possible reflux issue with bladder). Found a (suspected) ovarian cyst that is one centimeter in diameter. If you had an infant/know of an infant with either of these issues, I’d love to know how it turned out.

The possible kidney issue was first detected during an ultrasound that we got the day before baby was born (she was a few days late so we were checking to make sure everything was okay in there). We were told it would likely resolve on its own but to keep an eye on it. She was in the NICU for the week after she was born because of a respiratory infection so while she was there they did another ultrasound. Kidney issue still present but no sign of a cyst.

Our urologist had us get another ultrasound once baby was three months old. Kidney issue still present but generally “unremarkable.” We’ll check on it again in a year. However, they also found a cyst that is about one centimeter in diameter that they believe is an ovarian cyst. We’ll follow up with our pediatrician on next steps later this week.

We were told that both of these things generally resolve themselves. I’m curious about other people’s experiences with infant kidney issues or cysts. I’d love to know if these things did or did not resolve on their own and what timelines look like for different outcomes. Thanks!