Time Machine - qustion
Hey guys! I wonder what things stay with us after using the time machine. I would like to do the first reset as it should be, but I wonder if the minion and item crate remain after the reset? I know that the legendaries (e.g. Lich and Gorgon) should stay. But what about the rest? Could someone with experience do a tl;dr of what things/currency stay and what is reset? What about mana pools, crates, book upgrade, etc. Tyvm, love ❤️
Hey guys! I wonder what things stay with us after using the time machine. I would like to do the first reset as it should be, but I wonder if the minion and item crate remain after the reset? I know that the legendaries (e.g. Lich and Gorgon) should stay. But what about the rest? Could someone with experience do a tl;dr of what things/currency stay and what is reset? What about mana pools, crates, book upgrade, etc. Tyvm, love ❤️