Tips on pacing myself now that I’m being treated
When I started Vyvanse about six months ago, it felt like I had my life back, but now I’m facing some unexpected consequences. Before getting treatment, my technique from high school to work was just to push myself until I passed out at my desk. I needed to in order to work full time, since at least if I was passed out at my desk I still got paid. As long as I met targets. Now that my body doesn’t just forcibly shut down when I work too hard, I have no off button or queue to slow down. My boss warned me right away that just because I could double targets by pushing myself as much as I was used to without passing out, it wasn’t sustainable, but pushing until I either have a sleep attack or my muscles go limp and stop responding has just been my default for years. Even now that I’m burned out enough to be getting sick all the time, and have even gotten mad and yelled at my roommate who I’ve never lost my temper with before despite living together for years, I’m still not as physically sleepy/exhausted as my prior everyday baseline. Plain old burnout without sleep attacks and cataplexy feels so alien to me. What do you guys do to tell if you’re pushing yourself too hard other than just going until your body gives out?