Is anyone else afraid they've developed narcissistic traits after having dealt with a narcissist?
I'm afraid I might be narcissistic towards my abuser. I had started to stonewall him, I think as a trauma response, after we would have fights and he would physically abuse me. I would initially respond with the flight response, before having to resort to the fight response, when he would follow me and not let me get away from him and found myself eventually sort of mimicking his behavior by returning insults and becoming violent. Eventually, he stopped physically abusing me, but if we got into an argument I would still have the flight response and I would go to the bed and cover myself with my blanket and put in my earbuds with music playing to block him out. He then accused me of stonewalling him. I've left living with him as of right now, I'm living with my family, but we still talk. He sometimes gets upset if I don't respond right away, bombards me with a ton of messages and calls and starts accusing me of talking to someone else (something he has always done) says he's really sad, crying, that he loves me, he cant do this without me, said "why are you playing these games". If I get upset by something he says or the bombardment of messages and try to end the conversation by saying "goodbye or goodnight" and stop replying, he says I'm just ignoring him and continues to send tons of messages, even after I've asked him a few times to stop bombarding me and accusing me. I would be mad and restrict/block him, then unblock him later. After that happened a few times, I've found myself recently also getting upset after he didn't respond to me right away after we had an argument, and I bombarded him with messages and calls as well. I got really upset actually, and cried the entire day until he finally came back. I don't know what it is, but it's a terrible feeling. Maybe it's the trauma bond, because I feel attached to him still. He has apologized to me many times for everything, and I've apologized as well. He says he wants to change, treat me better than he did, go to therapy (after I've said many times that we both need to go to therapy before he finally considered it) and wants me to come back. I've told him I don't want to go back until we have both started therapy, until I can be sure that there will be no more abuse and until I got a few other things sorted. I also said that I want him to come here to my state, preferrably after going to therapy, and meet my family and assure them and me that he won't abuse me ever again. He wants me to go back sooner though.