I don’t want to call a baby ‘kitten’
I need help convincing my sister to NOT name her unborn daughter ‘kitten’. I finally convinced her not to name her child something very offensive and then she suddenly said she would then name her Kitten?? WHAT??
And well, since she attracts the same kind of people as her, all her friends (which aren’t that many) are agreeing with her.
HOW DO I CHANGE HER MIND?? I’ve tried so much already. Literally just talking about it to her, making her imagine if her boss was named ‘Kitten’, making her ask strangers on the internet (which I’m also doing right now) for their opinion on the name… But she’s just determined to name her child that.
And look, if it was her hamster? Sure, name it whatever you want. But this is an actual human being who is supposed to get a job later!! I can’t (with good conscience) stand by and ACTUALLY let her name her kid ‘Kitten’.