Best neighborhoods/borough to move to making 90k

Posting on here because I didn’t know its tabboo to ask housing related advice in the asknyc subreddit lol. but I’ll be moving to nyc for a consulting gig in midtown and wanted to know what boroughs/neighborhoods do you recommend to live in? For context and I’m in my early 20s and have never been to the other boroughs other than manhattan. I would like to keep my budget between $2000 and $1800 if possible and wanted know if anybody has experience and know how comfortable it is living on this budget or if I should aim for cheaper. I’ll live temporarily with family in Yonkers in the beginning but don’t particularly plan on staying for more than a month or two just because the commute is pretty long. So my other options are 1.) getting roommates in manhattan probably in LES or UES (only thing is I’ll be rooming with strangers). 2) finding a single bedroom/studios in neighborhoods like Astoria or Bushwick. I’d like to go out quite often and wanted to know what neighborhoods should I look at that would allow me to enjoy the community and be around people my age but at the same time won’t break my budget. I’ve done my best to do my own research on the internet since I don’t have the opportunity to check out places since I’m not in the city at the moment and won’t plan on moving until a month before my actual start date. But I’ve found it more helpful to have insights from others who may/are have been in a similar position to mine. So any advice would be helpful thanks!