The thought of going into my current co-teaching classroom makes me feel sick.

I don’t know how the f@ck my math co-teacher passed the NYSTCE math content teacher and become a licensed math teacher, much less a high school Math department Lead.

As his special ed co-teacher, I never got 1 singular lesson plan, math worksheet etc from him until right before the class starts, the same time the students do.

So my principal walked in on an unannounced informal when I the math content told the students to work independently for 15 minutes, and I was busy solving them when helping a student. During that time in my focus I didn’t notice the principal had crept into the classroom, and I received an informal observation score of 1.44 out of 4. The worst score ever of my life when admin is well aware of my struggles getting any materials from my co-teacher ahead of time.

My math content teacher deem it suffice to teach kids get answers out of calculators, and I recently found out most of our ti84 calculators are not even programmed to graph inequalities.

Because some students have approached me whether I will be at Saturday academy to help them prep for the math regents, regents are nearby, I promise I will be there for them. Come this past Saturday, I walked into my classroom full of students, my math content teacher is there, also our school’s ENL teacher is up on the board teaching math, apparently this has been going on sometime, and my co-teacher, nor admin, or anyone ever thought to tell me of this arrangement.

Since September, I have no lesson plans, no department updates, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA from the teacher across the room 4 periods a day. I don’t even get a lesson plan even when the superintendent is coming, or when a group of AP is coming around. Luckily, my family including me came down with norovirus, and I was out for both and home bound for the last three days with fevers, vomitting, diarrhea, headache and stomachache.

This night the thought of going back to school cause me to toss and turn, and I wish for another bout of violent vomitting and diarrhea than to go back to school and deal with my co-teacher and admin who intentionally lowballing my observations on things I can’t control.

Oh did I mention my co-teacher/math department lead has the really intrusive ability screw with my doe issued computer, sometimes it shows as if my computer password is working with the “welcome” screen then suddenly locks out “password incorrect” as of the password is not working, other times it refuses to print when I badly need printouts?

I had really successful unannounced informal with my AP when my content teachers wasn’t there and I was up on the board teaching, but my principal said those don’t count because I am in an ICT classroom. I wanted to laugh so bad on how I am being set up with a co-teacher that doesn’t know math and goes out to keep any info from me (including blocking my access to see student marking period scores), I know my time at the school is over…I don’t know if I can make it last to avoid problem coding…