NJ Assault Weapon Ban Actual Impact
So, If the Ban gets dropped, are you going to spend the money to replace the parts you are currently using? Let me know what the big plus / opportunities you will be jumping to take advantage of are...
Curious to see how other feel about it.
Personally, for me, yes it will be nice if NJ Assault Weapon Ban gets overturned but won't actually make a huge difference.
Unlike like NY that only allows 1 evil feature NJ's two evil feature has never really prevented me from getting exactly what I want.
I prefer a good Muzzle Break over a flash hider. Don't want a bayonet lug or need access to a threaded barrel. I typically get 16" barrels cut and pin/weld with muzzle break to 16.1" overall. An adjustable stock would be nice but would not be adjusting much regardless.
In addition, by now most of the banned by name firearms are very outdated and will only be purchased by collectors. A 9MM Semi Auto UZI or MAC 10 would not be many peoples first choice for a 9mm PDW.
One of the few that are still in demand is the Styer AUG... but the Steyr Stg77 Anniversary or the Styer USR (with AUG Stock swap) are available now.
My assortment of AR-15's, MAC 90(AK stock), Tavor 95, Styer USR (AUG Stock). and Desert Tech MDRX have all kept me plenty busy.
The big plus for me is really only the cost savings to make compliant for new purchases.
I would rather see our 2A Legal Teams and my donations go towards Sensitive Places, National Reciprocity and High-Capacity Magazine Bans in that order.