Micropreemies and CPAP?
My 24 weeker is now 5 months actual, 1.5 month adjusted and still on CPAP. Though he was transferred earlier this month from the NICU to a children's hospital.
He's been on CPAP since mid-September and currently using a PEEP of 7 and on around 35% FIO2 with a cannula. The children's hospital has an estimated discharge date of late January. I know from the NICU not to get my hopes up and I'm feeling even more discouraged because he's still on CPAP right now. He does have BPD and pulmonary hypertension but the latter has been put under control a while ago with medication.
Has anyone else's micropreemie had to be on CPAP this long? Just ready for this to be over 😢.
Edit: transferred earlier this month, not year