Another extubation attempt

My LO was born at 26w and 505g. At 30w they attempted her first extubation on NIV NAVA but she only lasted an hour before she got too tired out and they had to reintubate. At 38w they attempted her second extubation and she lasted about 5 weeks on NIV NAVA with the last 10 days or so on NIPPV before she had an event and they reintubated her. She’s now 45w and 3330g. We’ve transferred her to a specialized BPD unit at a different hospital and they say they want to attempt another extubation on Monday. I’m beyond nervous and want so badly to have her be successful and this be her final one. We are doing everything we can to set her up for success this time around. DART starting today through the weekend and then weaning to prednisolone. Albuterol on standby, bag lavage suctioning to thin secretions so they don’t block her airway and IV access in case she needs a morphine drip to keep her comfortable. They’ll also stop her feeds around the time of extubation so they can keep her belly vented. I’m really hoping this works especially because she’s so much older now. Any words of advice or encouragement would be appreciated!