My daughter was born at 24+1 she is now 128 in the nicu. She has bpd and a “small”pda. No infections sickness surgeries etc her oxygen level is creeping back up with no explanation she was on .3 liters n was doing great but now she’s currently up to 3L bc she was working to hard to breathe other then her starting to bottle feed every 3 hours before it was every other there has been no changes. We have done 2 rounds of dart previously. Dr put her on a short course of steroid Prednisone and Pulmicort yesterday to see if that helps . Honestly I’m losing faith in her care team n feel like my baby is a guinea pig. I talked to her Dr today to reach out n follow up with a bpd clinic see if it’s anything they can suggest. Just looking for similar experiences maybe suggestion or what worked for your baby. I’m not rushing to get her home because I want her to be ready n thrive but something just seems to be missing.