UNPOPULAR OPINION: This isn't good for the game

We don't need role player builds but we don't need these superstar builds either. Majority of the community plays some sort of solo mode. Solo park, rec, theater and do it all builds like this don't encourage a passing style. Get ready to stand in a corner unless you're the PG. this is just gonna encourage everyone to make a PG to get the ball in their hands and the nuance of other basketball positions will be lost.

We don't need role player builds but we don't need these superstar builds either. Majority of the community plays some sort of solo mode. Solo park, rec, theater and do it all builds like this don't encourage a passing style. Get ready to stand in a corner unless you're the PG. this is just gonna encourage everyone to make a PG to get the ball in their hands and the nuance of other basketball positions will be lost.