Hello! (And a couple questions)

Hey, I’m new to this sub! I didn’t really think to search for one for MC since it’s so rare, but I’m delighted to see a little community here!

Let me over share on the internet again: I’m a 19 year old female, and I was diagnosed with Thomsen’s type Myotonia Congenita I think when I was 13. It doesn’t affect me too much, I hear Thomsen’s is a little milder. I know the conditions is genetic, but nobody else in my family really has symptoms. So I guess I’ve never met anyone else with this condition! So hi!

Some questions:

For anyone else does it affect you more when you’re cold? I’ve found that with this cold weather this winter I’ve been struggling a lot more with stairs and standing up and my face has had trouble moving more than usual.

Also, for my fellow ladies on here, does MC get worse on/around your period? For me it definitely does, it’s like completely dependent on my cycle.

Last, any of you have any other weird conditions? I have Degenerative Disk Disease, Hydradenitis Superitiva, and I’m currently being evaluated for pots. I just think it’s funny I have a bunch of weird stuff, certainly makes me think I won the genetic lottery :p

Anyway nice to meet you all! I’m looking forward to knowing more people with the condition and all that!