Kickstarter Thank-You Letter - 7 Years Late But Better Than Never

Hey all. Ikaruga here for the few people who know me. I made a burner account to post here.

Time sure does fly. I've stepped away from the Muv-Luv community for a long time now but I still hold ML close to my heart. I wish I could be more involved as I was a decade ago but as everyone knows, life happens. It looks like the franchise and community are still flourishing though which is great to see.

Anyways, I wanted to hop on here to share a nice surprise. Back in November, I was shocked to see a member of aNCHOR email me about the Kickstarter thank-you letter I apparently never received. Mind you, this was 7 years after I had initially received my KS merchandise and I had completely forgotten that I was missing the letter. I was ecstatic and grateful that aNCHOR would still honor their end of the bargain, even though they could have let it be and I would have forgotten about it forever.

Fast forward THREE MONTHS later, I finally receive my letter from them. I honestly thought it was lost forever since it took so long, but for some reason they decided to send the letter via seamail. When I went to pick it up from the Post Office, I was shocked to see it was a massive package, which now made more sense why they sent it by sea.

Got home, opened the package and the first thing I saw and chuckled at was they used Japanese newspaper as packing; just tightly shoved in there. Hey, if it works, it works. Once I tossed all the newspaper out, I was pleasantly surprised to see the two items shown in the picture: Muv-Luv 20th Odyssey Box and shadow box with letter inside. I've been so far removed from ML that I never knew the Odyssey Box ever existed, but from the looks of it, the contents of the box are pretty neat. The shadow box is also very nice. Now, the letter is a well written, typed 3-page letter from (allegedly) Kouki himself mostly detailing the journey of ML over the years, what's to come in the future, and gratitude for my support to the franchise. I'm gonna be honest, in my monkey brain head of mine, I was imagining I would get a hand-written signed letter from Kouki but I realize that is just wishful thinking. With that said, I still very much appreciate the letter, as is. I'm not exactly sure what I am supposed to do with the shadow box though. My assumption is I would tack the letter in the center but I feel that would just look odd.

All in all, thank you to the Muv-Luv Team, aNCHOR, and Kouki for the incredible Thank You package. As someone who was expecting a simple letter, this truly went above and beyond my expectations and I am very grateful for the generosity. I hope one day I will be able to return as an active member in the community and marathon all that ML has accomplished over the years and the years to come, just like the old glory days.

To all my fellow TSF pilots,

Stay Classy

P.S. Shoutout to my fellow Fort-Class sponsor, Gabgrave, and all the other OGs from back in the Muv-Luv Forum days. You know who you are. I wonder if ya'll are hanging around on here or somewhere else now. Or maybe some have just gone dark, like me these past several years. It's a long shot but I hope we can all have a meetup again like the one we did at Anime Expo 2016 some day. Those were some awesome memories. I am on the East Coast now so I mainly attend Otakon, but maybe I can swing making a return to AX.