Husband has no style
I know this is quite amusing compared to most of the posts on here, but I'm new to marriage or dealing with men in general.
I'm 25, he's 26 and we got married a couple months ago. One of the main reasons I chose to marry him is because I found him very attractive physically. Obviously when we were in the talking phase we never really on our own outside of family gatherings, and so I only ever saw him in formal clothing, and exquisitely groomed.
After marriage I realized he's someone who really does not care about his appearance at all. He's very handsome and physically fit but he has no interest in capitalizing on that and looking his best.
He has long and wavy hair, due to the texture and length it's difficult to manage but he doesn't get a haircut. According to him he has never gotten a professional haircut in his life, he's been growing his hair out for over a year from a buzzcut, without trimming it at all. You can imagine what it looks like. He can't grow a full beard, but he doesn't bother getting it cleaned or lined up. His head to me looks like it belongs to model who got shipwrecked on an island.
Speaking of islands his choice in clothing is a mismatch of hawaiian shirts, tshirts, jeans, and sweatpants. As mentioned before he's fit and naturally handsome, so it's not like he looks like a digusting slob. Sometimes it's even embarrassing to be in public with him when I can notice other people looking him up and down.
I've bought him outfits, and he wears some of the pieces but in his mix and match non-style. I straight up told him he needs a haircut, or about his beard and clothes but he just replies with some smartass comment and laughs it off. His own mom also brings it up, she told me herself he's always just been carefree when it comes to this.
I still love him, he's a great man and I still find him attractive. I just wish he would gain a sense of style. I don't know if I should just let it go and accept him for how he is, or continue to pressure him.