Is a (lightly) toxic college culture reason enough to transfer?

I go to a relatively large public state school and am doing Music Ed. My professors are all absolutely wonderful and every minute with them in class and out of class I genuinely cherish. My peers are just god awful though. My particular studio is like an oasis in an insufferable group of musician personalities—so much whining and complaining and “I can’t believe I have to take music theory.” I don’t even want to consider that their level of whining might be standard across the country, because it’s so annoying. A lot of “how can I finish my degree as efficiently and quickly as possible” people. Is this just a global ill? I just don’t share the predominant philosophy about music here.

I couldn’t care less about playing ability, but these students (if the new professors aren’t able to change the culture enough) will turn into a cohort of terrible, uninspiring band directors someday. Not the vast majority, but enough that it’s utterly draining. It will never cease to astound me that someone could complain about the amazing opportunities they have.

I’ve been considering some other schools, all of which have great studios for my instrument, but is it even worth considering cutting off that connection with my current professors here? I lean on saying no, but 1 year of only being able to relate to some 8 people in the incredibly large music program has started to become depressing. Music definitely isn’t, I feel, the type of degree where transferring could be taken lightly, though.