Random album recommendation generator (no AI/algorithms)

I've built a website - https://theshfl.com - that will give you random album recommendations from any genre you might be interested in. It's based on crawling positive reviews, best-of lists, etc. and linking them all up with one another. It's navigable - you can just sample from a particular music critic, for example, or from a music critic's jazz recommendations, or blues music from the 30's, new wave music from the 80's, just albums on the Warp label, just death metal, etc. I've basically tried to connect the albums in every way they could be connected (recorded year, people who recommended it, genre, label) and make it easy to just browse and explore.

Most are linked to a streaming location, Spotify/Apple Music/Bandcamp etc so you can just try something new out quickly. I built it in the first place just because I wanted something like it, but it really works better than I had anticipated and I think other people could get into it so I hope a few of you try it out. Any kind of feedback would be highly appreciated.