Who will leave a larger impact on music?

My partner and I were discussing whether Tame Impala or Charli XCX would have a bigger impact on the music industry long term, and came to a disagreement. I said I believe Charli would as she literally had a whole summer named after her (brat summer) and now has a very specific color associated with her. Some other people have pointed out that a large amount of people don’t find her music all that good, which I don’t really agree with, but would point against my side of the debate. I do think Tame Impala was important, but I feel like a lot of his songs sound very very similar. And I feel like he had a short peak and most people only know 1-3 songs of his, if any. Though I suppose this could also be said about Charli! I feel as though we’re both biased as we each favor our respective artists, so we’re looking for outsider input. Please let me know what you think!