Brother always using my clothes even though he buys supreme

Hello I'm all new to reddit and I'm about to tell you about how my brothers makes my life misserible.

You got :Op (Me)

You got :Entitled brother

Ever since I can remember my younger brother has always thought of himself being better than everyone else he has always gotten better grades and has always found a way to make him self look good infront of everybody, while I always did okay in school. Even though I'm the oldest, entitled brother has never respected me and always made fun at any small error I did and always made fun of all his siblings . His ego grew even more when he got a job and started buying a large amount of expensive items like buying champion shirts or supreme murchindise and even though he had all that he always uses my shirts, sweaters and shorts from me when I didn't see and even worse he used my shirts as work out clothes and ruins them and i dont buy anything fany my parents don't do anything but tell him to stop and still doesn't obey and it gets me mad cause he's a husky guy while I'm a thinish guy stretches my clothes or ruins them and sadly there no happy ending I gess my only hope is to move when I graduate collage . ( any advice to make him stop)ps he's 15.