Multiplayer design is inexcusably bad for 2025


We, contrary to popular belief, do not need to have 1747242 hoops to jump through in order to have a multiplayer experience worth paying for. Especially since its not like the MH studio at capcom hasn't designed one that works before(see Rise). Why are we regressing this hard on something that should be one of the most basic and straightforward features of any co-op title?

Just let us group and play the entire game start to finish TOGETHER. SEAMLESSLY. NO ADDITIONAL INVITE SCREENS. NO WATCHING CUT SCENES INDEPENDENTLY. Like what are we doing? Who's greenlighting this design at the studio? How can this possibly be something an entire team of devs look at and think "this is the best way to do this?" What the fuck is going on?

I just want to have a painless coop experience playing through the story and killing monsters with my friends. That's it. You gave it(mostly) in Rise, which was a massive upgrade from the tedium presented in World. But now we've regressed back to something much closer to World's multiplayer than Rise, and far away from anything resembling a modern coop experience in any other title.

Frankly, this just seems over-cooked and poorly thought out. I don't believe for a second this was play tested at the studio by anyone who actually plays coop games or they would have started screaming and breaking things until it was changed. This implementation is insane, and I don't care if its a 100 gb patch to fix it, but it should be fixed. Make it so only the host's character is seen in cutscenes if you have to, no one will care. No one wants to see their own character in cut scenes SO BADLY that they are willing to accept this dogshit rotten excuse for a multiplayer experience.

You're not writing Baldur's Gate 3 here(and frankly, other characters were visible in tons of cutscenes in that game), you're writing a copy/paste ecology story of Monster Hunter. No one is that immersed, and even if they were they can just opt for the SOLO PLAYER EXPERIENCE. YOU ADVERTISED MULTIPLAYER. MAKE IT NOT DOGSHIT. YOU ARE SO CLOSE TO HAVING A MASTERPIECE BUT FUMBLING IT OVER STUBBORN DESIGN DECISIONS THAT MAKE NO SENSE TO LITERALLY ANYONE. WHAT ARE YOU DOING