Jieyi Vezere - In Hand

So, I’ve had the vezere from Jieyi now for a few weeks. Here are my thoughts:

I visited the Moncler store a few months ago to get a feel for the material. From what I remember, retail has a slightly more softer and silky feel but it is very close. The inside material felt a bit softer on retail too.

To my eye, the badges are a bit different too. Retail badge has bolder, more prominent stitching. I could be nitpicking here, or it could be the lighting of the images I took of retail, but the colours of the red & navy stitch are a slightly different shade too. The comic on the inside of Jieyis vezere has colours that are a bit too vivid, that should fade with time.

Pocket shape on the arm with retail is more angular. Buttons felt the same to me and I don’t have the issue like others of weak buttons popping off. I’d be careful with the buttons just in case.

I hate big hoods! Luckily this has a nice size removable hood that’s puffy like retail.

Onto the hardware, it’s bang on from what I remember! All zippers and metal adjusters feel really nice and are quality. I can understand why some might find the zipper a bit annoying but I’m used double zippers so no issue there.

The shape and look of Jieyis vezere is the closest rep to retail I could find. It’s a short jacket too, the same as retail. It’s supposed to sit around the hipline. It’s not 1:1, no rep ever is, but what else can I say? It’s a very nice looking jacket that’s warm too!