This is embarrassing
I'm embarrassed to even share this, but mommit is a safe space. I've been nagging my husband for almost 5 years to keep up with chores. I gave up a while ago and started making a list, which was more work for me, more delegating and more mental load. It frustrates me that he can't just look around and see what I see, and do what I do. I have a breakdown every few months about the unfair division of labor, after which he's better for a few weeks then falls off again. Anyways, after my most recent breakdown he suggested an app to remind him so I don't have to, I searched online and found Nipto that makes chores into points (pretty sure it's for CHILDREN) but alas here we are. Deal was whoever gets more points for the week gets to pick date night spot and the other person pays. So now, this app designed for children and chores, has gotten my grown ass husband to make chores into a game, and the house is spotless. 😩