We’ve moved on to cows milk
My baby is 12.5 months old and we made the gradual transition from formula to cows milk. Along with this, we've transitioned to sippy cups rather than bottles. That being said, my baby has had a significant decrease in milk consumption. Idk if I'm over thinking it but she used to drink around 24oz of formula a day and I'd say she's averaging 8-10oz a day of cows milk only.
She doesn't understand how to drink from the sippy cup on her own so l have to tilt it for her. But she only has a bit then starts pushing away.
She also only drinks around 3-4oz of water a day. Out of the dr browns bottle with a straw but I don't want to put milk in this cup because it leaks.
Some background, we used to feed bottles to sleep before each nap and bedtime but now she pushes away the bottle before nap time and we've also transitioned to doing her bedtime bottle of cows milk before bath time so we can brush her teeth.
She also has started to eat more during the day so maybe this is why she's not drinking as much? Just looking for some advice. I'm just a confused first time mom and feeling down on myself.
Thank you