Should I wake my baby up right now?

My son is 7 weeks old (in 4 hours lol) and he's never slept longer than 3.5 hours straight. He's been asleep (minus one really short little snack break at 7pm) for almost 4 hours, should I wake him up at 4 hours to eat?

He's been awake more during night/really early AM hours, and I'm the daylight hours he's been sleeping for two 3-hpur naps, waking up just to eat a little bit, and then one 2-2.5 hr nap right before waking up. His wake windows during these naps are like 45-60 minutes long, most of it because I keep him up to eat more and to help him pass gas (he has really bad gas issues and reflux). But after those three naps, his wake windows get longer and he's a lot harder to put to sleep.

Does this mean he mixed up his day/night cycle, and is closer to STTN (but does it in the daytime)? Or is he just on a chaotic newborn schedule? He's so difficult to get to sleep normally, and has colic so will be awake for 3 hour stretches or longer just scream crying. So I have no idea what a normal 6-8 week sleep schedule looks like.