10 y/o daughter’s best friend attempted to overdose on Tylenol today.
I will start by saying that the kid is (physically) fine, after spending the day in the children’s ER. I know we got very very lucky because Tylenol overdoses can be extremely dangerous. I don’t know much of any further plans, I am trying to give her family their space, but she was discharged and they are getting her into a pediatric psychologist.
Ugh. 10 years old?!? I’m having trouble wrapping my head around this, just so so awful and sad. Her parents found suicide notes (including one written to my daughter) in her room.
Any advice on how to tell my daughter tomorrow? I only learned at 4 pm but spent the night trying to get myself together so I can properly tell my daughter tomorrow. We are very very close to her best friend’s family, and my heart is just so broken right now. I also have 6 y/o twins, should I tell them seperately from the 10 y/o? They obviously know who she is but aren’t extremely close.
Thank you so much to anyone who responds… I’ve never had to do anything like this before.