Are my husband and I being selfish?

My husband and I have one baby and are planning on having more children right away. But this past weekend we went to a BIG event w/lots of crowds and people.

We noticed so many other parents struggling with their children and it both just hit us in the face that we don’t want to deal with that.

lol I was exhausted just watching other parents become exhausted from handling their multiple children.

Children small and basically the same age & we also saw parents that had multiple children with big age gaps in between. But is it selfish of us to no longer want more than 2 kids because we “don’t want to deal with that”?

My husband and I felt kind of bad saying that and we don’t want to be “selfish” but man we don’t think we have it in us to be wrangling children like that everywhere we go.

Just wanted to hear other people’s perspectives.