parenting while sick

Why does no one warn you how horrible it is to parent while sick? i never appreciated how amazing it was pre-kids to be able to just rest and sleep when you are sick, maybe even having someone else taking care of you a bit. I just recovered 2 weeks ago from a cold that lasted way too long, and now here I am miserable with another cold that the kids brought home from preschool - but my 3 kids under 5 don’t understand enough to give mom a break, and often they’re sick themselves. I’m so lucky to have family nearby - but when we’re sick and most need extra support, we have to stay isolated to keep the grandparents healthy. I don’t have any more sick days because i use them all for when my kids are home sick. and then my husband and I just trade off times being the sicker one - whoever’s feeling a bit better tries to give the other a break (he just took the kids out for a ride in the bike trailer even though it’s 40 degrees to get them out of the house), and I know I’ll feel guilty when he comes back and i haven’t magically recovered in the 1 hour break.