Call of duty telling me I knew to purchase MWIII even though I have a physical copy of the game. What do I do to fix this
Hey guys! So I’ve been playing mw3 ever since it came out, all of a sudden after I pre ordered black ops 6, it said that I need to buy MWIII to play multiplayer even though I have the physically copy of it. One thing I notice is that when I delete it and reinstall it it downloads all the MWII add ons not the MWIII add ons. I’ve tried uninstalling mw2 in the manage file section and it won’t even let me uninstall it. It says in manage files that mw3 is installed but yet I still can’t play. I’ve tried everything that I can think of to try and fix this and nothings changed. The only mw3 related things that get downloaded are 2 campaign packs, MWIII shared content pack 1, it says that it downloads the MWIII multiplayer but I still can’t even play it cause it says I need to buy the game. If any of you know what I should do please let me know because it’s getting to a point know where it’s really upsetting me that I can’t play.