No CD Ult obsession

As the title mentioned, Moonton has been so obsessive with heroes with either low ult CD or none at all. Lukas's only limitation is his Resolve bar at the bottom, Suyou has no ult technically, Granger revamped also has a 1 second CD, and from what I could see from Kalea, she also has a low CD. Other heroes like Alpha, Bane, Fanny, Chou, Natan, Harith, and many others have super low downtime that their ults can be expendable in just as simple as clearing minion waves. I understand that this makes the game faster, but it's so unfair for heroes with high CD, like mages and tanks with high CC capabilities. Giving high CC heroes a low downtime is also bad, so why don't Moonton increase the CD of some these heroes to equalize and would make players hesitate to just commit their ults in non-crucial engagements? The game is already fast as it is, but this low CD meta heroes makes it even faster. This is probably one of the reasons a lot of heroes are not meta, since their downtime is high for back-to-back engages.