"His entire character/life revolves around WWX"
Why do some people think this about Lan Wangji but not Jiang Cheng?
(pls don't misunderstand this post, it's not supposed to be hate for either of these characters, I'm a fan of both and I think the paralel between them is very interesting)
After WWX died, Lan Wangji got drunk, branded himself, suffered but then he Moved on with his life. He raised Lan Sizhui into a great disciple, he became a teacher to the juniors, he followed them on nighthunts, he became a hero of the common people by going on so many different nighthunt adventures (including those that don't bring money or fame) that the people started describing him as "where the chaos is". He was doing things he would've done if WWX never existed. I would argue that he was doing more than average Lan with stick-up-their-ass. Basically he was sad, but he moved on and did his job. He wasn't searching for WWX. He wasn't playing inquiry for him (that's a fanon coming from the untamed and bad donghua translations) He did NOT wait 13 years. (don't misunderstand this as me saying he didn't care - he was sad and he never stopped loving WWX, my point is, his 13 years weren't all about "my crush is dead" angst.)
"Hanguang-jun truly lives up to his reputation of appearing where there is chaos What brings you here to the deep mountains today?" Leaders of prominent cultivation clans did not normally care for these low-level evil spirits. However, Lan Wangji was an exception. He was never picky about his Night Hunt prey, nor would he refuse to appear if the nefarious creature wasn't tough enough or if it would not earn him any acclaim. He would attend as long as there was a plea for help, and it had always been that way, ever since he was young. Thus, "appearing where there is chaos" was how the people appraised Hanguang-jun's Night Hunt expeditions and praised his character."
Jiang Cheng ran his clan, followed Jin Ling on nighthunts...but he never moved on. He continued obsessively searching for WWX, blaming WWX for everything, lying about WWX, WWX was living rent free in his head for all those years. He tortured ghost cultivators in his search for WWX & other people thought he was insane:
"Everyone in the cultivation world knew that the young leader of the Jiang Clan searched for Wei Wuxian in an almost crazed manner. He would rather catch the wrong person than let go of any possibility, and took anyone who seemed like they held the soul of Wei Wuxian away to the Jiang Clan, inflicting severe torture on his victim." (Chapter 10)
Just in case here's JC's inner thoughts:
"A moment ago, Jiang Cheng was certain that this person was Wei WuXian, and all of the blood in his body started to boil. Yet, now, Zidian was clearly telling him that he wasn’t. Zidian definitely wouldn’t deceive him or make a mistake, so he quickly calmed himself and thought, this doesn’t mean anything. I should first find an excuse to take him back and use every possible method to get information out of him. It’s impossible for him to not confess anything or give himself away. I’ve done things like this in the past anyways." (Chapter 10)
When WWX comes back to life, LWJ protects him and helps him partially because it's the right thing to do & he knows WWX's cause is righteous, and partially because he's in love with him. But LWJ never expected WWX to like him back, he was helping him without expecting anything in return. If WWX didn't love him they would go their separate ways like in the Untamed.
Compare this to Jiang Cheng, he starts targeting "Mo Xuanyu", basically chases him across the map like a aggroed NPC, he wants to capture WWX, he finally captures him, scolds him, tortures him and wants him to kneel to his parents. When WWX finally kneels to his parents JC gets mad and even homophobic (bruh??? He did exactly what you wanted?? lol). After the core is revealed, JC once again attacks WWX in a temple while ranting "noooo your debts to my clan, you promised to be my subordinate waah wahh"
Even before all the shit went down, JC is shown having a obsessive complex about WWX, from jealousy because WWX is better/wins competitions/attracts new disciples to the clan, to "daddy loves him more" delusions planted into his head by his stupid mother, to "I resent this man but I want to keep him by my side forever", he is constantly comparing himself, thinking about WWX, raging about WWX. In Lotus extra, which takes place after Gusu Studies, WWX tries to teach JC how to make friends, talk to girls etc and JC refuses.
But the fans never describe him as "his entire life revolves around WWX" because he's not a love interest despite acting like WWX broke up with him and refuses to pay child support for Jin Ling 🤣🤣🤣
BTW I think neither of these characters "revolve around WWX", because I can't judge everyone via few months of the main plot with WWX as the central character, I mean, he's a central character...ofc most things shown will be about him? but if I had to choose who's more obsessed my pick would be Jiang Cheng because his is more unhealthy.
Jiang Cheng 🤝 Xue Yang obsessing over a dude that's dead because of them & wanting him back