A guide to 9/13 of the secret chests :)

Hello, I have discovered 9/13 of the secret chests, and while most are fairly easy to find, there are a few tricky ones. Currently, the only secret chests I have not discovered are #9,11, 12, and 13, and I suspect that's only because they're in areas I've not unlocked yet.

Alright, so, chest #1 is fairly simple to find, though I doubt most would think to check there. I only found it by accident. To find this chest, all you have to do is go to the weapon upgrade station, and jump over the rail that has a bit of space between it and the wall. The chest is sitting on the ground there.

Chest #2 is also easy, being located in area 1-2, in the corner of the pool, where the water glows.

Chest #3 is right behind the cave hut in are 2-1, you really can't miss it.

Chest #4 is in area 2-5, on the tallest pillar, hidden behind the rock closest to the wall. If you're confused, just break the rocks and you'll find it :)

Chest #5 is in area 3-4, at the top of the lava waterfall (lavafall? Whatever, you get it. It's a bit tricky to get up there, but by the time you get this far you should have all 4 extra jumps. My preferred method is to climb to the top of one of the rocks, and use it as the starting point, but it's still a bit tricky.

Chest #6 can actually be found with just an adventurous spirit and some creativity. To find this one, you'll have to go to the pet upgrades section (not to be confused with the hatch pets area). Once you're there, you'll see the giant crystal that's against the mountain rocks. Hop on that, and off to your right you should see a small ledge that's about at your jump height. Hop on there, and to your right once again will be another small ledge. Go there, sprint, and you should be able to jump onto the ledge behind the server leaderboard. This is achievable with just one jump, but gets much easier with your first extra jump. Anyways, on that ledge, there's a gap leading below the map. Hop down there, then hop off the small platform you land on, and secret chest #6 is right there 🙃

Chest #7 is, thankfully, much simpler to explain than chest #6 is. Chest #7 is in area 3-5, hidden at the top of the lavafall, much like chest #5.The method to get there is also similar.

Chest #8 is located in area 4-1, inside the space base where you can do space exploration missions. Honestly, this was one of the easiest ones to find for me. At the exploration mission area, you'll see the tube/tunnel to your right. Just head through there and follow the path, it'll lead you straight to the chest.

Chest #10 is a bit more difficult to explain, mostly because I prestiged a little bit ago and haven't gotten back to area 4-1, where its hidden, yet. So I'll just give a brief description. If I recall, secret chest #10 should be hidden on the same island as chest #8,but inside the island itself. If you explore around a bit, you'll see that there are many 'pathways' on each of the islands. For this chest, one of the 'pathways' leads to a small gap that allows you to walk just under the surface of the island. Chest #10 is hidden in there.

Once again, I have not located chests #9,11, 12, or 13 yet, unfortunately. I suspect #9 to also be in area 4-1, as both #8 and #10 are there, but I cannot figure out where. #11,12, and 13 should be hidden somewhere in areas 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, or 4-5.

Hope this is helpful! And if anyone knows the location of the chests I've not found yet, please let me know where they're at 😊