Best Of 2015 - Results

Hello again,

It's time to post the results of last month's Best Of /r/Minecraft contest.
To give a short explanation to those who missed it. During December everyone had the chance to nominate and vote submissions and people in 4 categories. The top 2 of each category win.


per category

(Original poster of the nominated entry)

1st place: 2 months of reddit gold
2nd place: 1 month of reddit gold


The person with the highest-voted nomination


Best Artwork

1st Place - Recreated an Impressionistic painting in 3d using glass panes to create lighting effects by /u/MysticAbsents -58 points-
2nd Place - Animation vs. Minecraft by Alan Becker by /u/Roelof1337 -52 points-
3rd Place - I built a train. On a map. In Survival by /u/redstonehelper -26 points-

Note: 2nd place had no reddit link, I took the highest rated one.

Most Helpful User

1st Place - /u/redstonehelper -83 points-
2nd Place - /u/skylinerw -34 points-
3rd place - /u/Sarlac -25 points-

Most Memorable Moment

1st Place - Mojang Changed My Minecraft Name by /u/jessemoforice -123 points-
2nd Place - Need help: met a girl at Minecon, don't know name by /u/Duxtape -57 points- 3rd Place - Why are boats still so godawful? by /u/AllPurposeNerd -16 points-

Best Build/Project

1st Place - I built a train. On a map. In Survival by /u/redstonehelper -41 points-
2nd Place - 32 million blocks, 9 builders, 6 days. Deep Sea by /u/BlockWorksYT -39 points-
3rd Place - Some of my most recent terrain work by /u/Aeriooos -37 points-

Best Contraption

1st Place - [::] I made active camouflage in Minecraft in only 148144 commands by /u/sliced_lime -63 points-
2nd Place - Minecraft Kinect Charades by Sethbling by /u/Gondlon -31 points-
3rd Place - HALFCRAFT - Custom Slabs, Precision Building, And So Much More, In One Command! by /u/bitKoder -25 points-

That's it. Congratulations to our winners. Please message me on reddit to receive your rewards. To make it easy on you, you can find a short overview below. You have 2 weeks to collect your prize, if prizes have not been collected in time, it will go to the runner up.

2 months of gold
/u/redstonehelper (again)
/u/sliced_lime > /u/BitKoder

1 month of gold
/u/Roelof1337 > /u/alan_becker
/u/skylinerw > /u/sarlac > /u/Duckman1337
* /u/Duxtape
* /u/Gondlon

Minecraft Giftcode

(✔ means collected)