My message to people who don't like milk.
It is to some an aberration, my inveterate and idiosyncratic infatuation with milk, coupled with my innately incessant penchant & predilection for the impeccable, extol-worthy drink. I am typically taciturn, insular & staid but the imperative, paramount and salient characteristics apropos an impudent and impertinent dismissal and repudiation of it being venerable have called for extreme, perchance infamous measures, notable as I am typically indolent and lackadaisical but am meticulously crafting this plea with diligence. Thus I have chosen to incisively outline my depressive state via eloquence, magniloquence and employing a plethora, abundance and myriad of verbiage (alongside purple prose). Some feel a fractious, obtuse and abhorrence-inducing enmity towards the substance, but to them I look with a morose expression. Those who abhor it, I pray acquiesce to its impeccable nature, as I do, with alacrity. I act amiable towards the disbelievers to appease them, but I am arcanely, clandestinely and furtively experiencing the zenith of melancholy as I look forth to them, albeit that possibly appearing avaricious and callous.
I cannot help this implacable and insatiable desire for them to be obsequious and comply. I try my utmost to not be brazen, but I have fallen short by being brusque towards the opposition. I an inept at coercing and cajoling them. To speak with candour, they must be chided, derided, decried and debased, albeit opportunity for umbrage to be taken. This evinces my conspicuous nadir as I elucidate complacency & a lack of being circumspect, but I have made you all confidants to my feral, despot-like, gratuitous and truculent conniving, arguably intrepid & valiant simultaneously. I am rapt with it. I practice gluttony due to it, but it is so lithe.. so jubilance-and-elation-inducing... rife with that which stimulates awe. This may seem vociferous. superfluous, lurid and nominal, but I must disagree, as a perusal of the hatred towards my beloved has warranted an irrefutable response, albeit partially rash. All I ask for is to be showered with a show of serendipity, where all illustrate even a modicum of love for my love, and I shall act oblivious to your prior sins. I need a panacea to relieve me of the cumulative distress otherwise would cause me. Make me not a maverick. Show some deference. Join me and forsake all else, or I shall continue being cynical towards you apropos all aspects, including those I am not erudite enough to comment on.
Undergo a reformation, & you shall acquire tranquillity.