Do you guys find there are a lot of disturbing parasocial Patton fans?
Patton is one of my favorite musicians. I probably obsessed with him when I was seventeen and only had one other friend who loved his music as I do, so I wasn't really exposed to other fans for years, but I heard other people say they were weirded out. It wasn't until I went to see Dead Cross live that I saw what they were talking about. There were a lot of guys dressed like Mike from different eras it was super uncomfortable. It was so bad that Chuck Mosley was actually there and I thought it was someone dressed like him for a good while. There were even guys arguing in the lobby about where he's lived in the past and stuff about his wife or ex wife. I've also tried to listen to podcasts just to get a glimpse into his personal life because I just want to know where the guy's creative headspace is at. The psycho host talks about yet again dressing like Mike and a story about ripping his chin hair off at a random bar then embroidering them in his gloves. And some of you wonder why the guy's so private about his personal life.