Before you can call congestion pricing an undisputed success we have to wait years for peer reviewed studies, empirical data, and statistical analysis…

But I know for a FACT all the congestion is caused by these bike lanes and bus lanes and business will fail and NYC will crash and burn.

I get we’re celebrating early but at the same time annoyed by the double standard. Congestion pricing advocates have had to use data and statistics in the face of vibes and feelings and now we’re being told you can’t just go off of vibes and feelings (even among ourselves). If there was massive congestion at the start of the month (for whatever reason) you’d bet the anti congestion pricing folks would be using that to show that congestion pricing failed.

Keep in mind people are already using the lack of congestion this past week to suggest NYC is gonna be a ghost town.

So my conclusion is that, go ahead, and celebrate off of vibes and feelings. It’s more powerful than real data unfortunately.